Author Archives for admin

Why It’s Important to Have MHIC Certification

July 25, 2019 2:08 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

When there’s a home improvement job you need to tackle, you have a few main options available: try to get the job done yourself with some help from your friends, hire a local handyman or work with a licensed contractor. Unless you yourself are licensed and experienced in the kind of work you want done at your home, your best bet is always going to be to call in a licensed professional with Maryland Home Improvement Commission (MHIC) certification to get the job done correctly and safely. Here are just a few examples from a paving contractor in Montgomery County,... View Article

Sealcoating Your Driveway Before Winter

July 3, 2019 2:05 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

It may seem like winter is still quite a ways off, but if you’ve lived in Maryland for any amount of time, you know just how hard winter will hit once it finally arrives. Therefore, it’s worth planning ahead and getting some of the jobs on your to-do list accomplished now, while the weather is still nice. One of those jobs you should consider taking on this summer or early in the fall is sealcoating your driveway. If your driveway is paved with asphalt, sealcoating will help it to stay in good condition for a long time and protect it... View Article

Faust Funeral Home, Inc.